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Coleman Collapsible Basket

Coleman Collapsible Basket – Ideal for car camping and more.
A while back durring the holidays, the man in red brought me a Coleman Collapsible Basket. Woo Hoo, I thought. What could I possibly want with a collapsible basket? Turns out that I could do a lot more with the Coleman Collapsible Basket than I ever thought I could. I have used it for so many random things, that I probably use it for more tasks than even Coleman thought of.

If nothing else, I highly recommend buying a Coleman Collapsible Basket to keep in the trunk of your car. Think of the Coleman Collapsible Basket as one of those expensive trunk organizers, but at a fraction of the costs. Not only do I like to use the basket as an organizer, but it also works well for carrying in a few bags of groceries at a time or for carrying all that loose gear and food to the camp site.

Unlike simple fabrics baskets of this nature, the Coleman Collapsible Basket has an aluminum frame that gives the basket shape and two aluminum handles, much like a grocery store basket. This is because it makes the Coleman Collapsible Basket easier to use and carry versus the fabric baskets that become awkward to carry.

The quick & dirty:

Where you can get one:
Website: $18

Why they rock:

  • Whether it’s a camping trip, a picnic, or a day at the beach, the Coleman Collapsible Basket will hold all your essential gear
  • 20´ X 10.5´ X 10´ deep
  • Canvas basket with lightweight brushed-aluminum frame
  • Basket folds flat when not in use for convenient storage

Seat-of-the-pants rating: 8 out of 10

As I said before, the Coleman Collapsible Basket is just a great item to keep on hand. It has come in useful time and time again. So much so, that I plan on buying a few more Coleman Collapsible Basket for the truck and around the house.

Looking to buy? Check out these sites:

Website: $18